Writing a critical review with pleasure
Should critical reviews be interesting?
If your task is to deliver a critical review, your professor expects you to express a detailed viewpoint about a chosen publication on the basis of already known information. Students can describe any publication they think is worth being analyzed, a book, review, journal, article, etc. They should summarize the material in order to analyze and evaluate its crucial concepts reasonably – demonstrate its advantages, drawbacks, and peculiarities using diverse criteria.
Criteria for the critical review
Criteria depend on the discipline from which the publication was taken. It doesn’t mean that this issue should be criticized showing that it’s described in a bad manner. Just make sure to use your critical skills to reveal the general idea of this text and its unique features. A crucial advice for writing a review is to read the publication chosen for research cautiously to get familiar with the text plus its content. It will be preferable to read it a couple of times.
While reading, you are supposed to distinguish relevant, significant information and after that, process this material efficiently to reveal the characteristics of this text. The next step requires from a student to analyze the revealed information and deliver their judgments of this subject. You can be as subjective as you wish – write strictly about your impressions and thoughts. Writing critical review criteria are supposed to be chosen by students, but only meaningful issues are worth investigation.
When all these steps are successfully performed, continue your work with proving a brief summary of the content plus its significant points. To evaluate this subject thoroughly, it’s necessary to understand the principal idea of the topic, get a gist of concepts described, its explicit or implicit objectives, findings, and contributions.
Try to examine the subject from different angles – you will be able to see how this issue correlate with other subjects within one scientific field, what the approaches are, how it influences and connects different theoretical ideas, their plausible relationships. Use sufficient evidence to support your judgments and reasoning – take details and factual information from additional related texts on the subject.
Structural division, as well as formatting, has to be preserved. Typically, you start with an introduction where the author of the text, its title and concise explanation of the subject should be defined. Also, a brief summary of principal arguments, objectives, and content should be provided. These arguments are supposed to be confirmed with relevant examples.
The next paragraphs are going to be dedicated to your personal assessments of strengths and weaknesses of the material – define which principles of the critical analysis are used. Indicate the sources which helped you to examine this subject. The last part should consist of your overall attitude to the text plus reasonable explanations of your thoughts. At the end add a list of references and your analytical review is ready!