Logic essay assignment: how to write an essay evaluating two different letters?
Make sure your entire essay, before you condense it, is in deductive form and has deductive validity. At the end when you use your modus ponens, obviously state your if A then B, A, therefore B. And in that last conditional will be the condensed form of everything you just expanded on.
View all of your information as a zoom lens before your modus ponens. Really delve into what ‘A’ is. Really delve into the correlation A has to B. Then, dissect B.
Then zoom out at the very end when you use your modus ponens, giving the conditional almost as, a conclusion to your essay.
How to write persuasive essay assignment?
The point of a persuasive essay is to convince the reader, to make them believe your side of the argument etc.
For your purposes you need to start with an outline of why you chose this object as your product and a brief outline of the points you will cover. Then write why do you like this product so much — what first attracted you to it? You need to give convincing pros of this product. You also might mention any negative points, but your job is to counterbalance any negatives with positives, to persuade the product that you really are its’ biggest fan.
How to write five paragraph essay assignment based on two books?
Determine three ways that mentors helped characters in both books. Then structure your essay this way:
1. Intro
2. First way, both books
3. Second way, both books
4. Third way, both books
5. Conclusion
Example (I’m making up these mentors):
1. In both The Adventure of Tom Sawyer and The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn, the actions of adult mentors to the juvenile characters were key. The characters of both Tom and Huck grew to accept responsibility and learned to trust others, in large part because their mentors assisted them financially, grounded them spiritually, and provided physical safety when they were in danger.
2. When Fred paid for Tom Sawyer’s bail, and when Harry loaned Huckleberry Finn the money he needed for food, both Tom and Huck were surprised. Both were poor, and had lived difficult lives, and were not accustomed to such kindness. Based on these generous acts, Tom learned that, sometimes, people are kind and Huck began to think of Harry as a true friend.
3. Neither Tom nor Huck were religious, but their mentors taught them that spirituality can be more profound than just going to church. When Tom heard Fred pray, he realized that everybody needs help from time to time. When Harry prayed over Huck’s sick body, Huck learned that Harry, the strongest adult Huck knew, relied on faith for his strength.
4. Both Tom and Huck were in constant danger. They grew up learning to run away, as they had nowhere to turn when they were threatened by others. For the first time in his life, Huck didn’t have to run away when Fred stared down the bullies in the scene at the junkyard. Likewise, it was a new experience for Huck when Harry stood behind him, providing backup for his confrontation with the hobo. Both these incidents marked the first time in their lives that Tom and Huck felt truly safe, and did not feel completely alone.
5. These adult mentors and their actions played a key role in the “growing up” of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. The interaction of each of these characters with his respective mentor provided the motivation for the boys to move ahead in their lives, trusting adults a little more and facing up to their responsibilities with renewed confidence.
It’s only an example of the assignment, show you one form of structure that fits your task.
Where can I find any tips of writing a college descriptive essay?
Descriptive essay assignments are designed to train you to write in specifics and details, rather than empty generalities. Keeping this point in mind will help you to stay on track – the key is to be specific and detailed.
Among other things, this means your task is not simply to pile on adjectives. And this is a good thing since stacks of adjectives make for lousy writing anyway.
Instead, mix it up a bit. Use combinations of the following:
metaphors (“he was a mountain of a man”);
similes (“with a chest like the Great Wall of China”);
active verbs (“sprinted” and “raced” are better than “went quickly”);
specific nouns (“he wore Dockers” rather than “he wore pants”);
and well-chosen adjectives (“hulking” or “bear-sized” rather than “big”).
Above all, keep in mind that details aren’t necessarily adjectives: “His breath stank of garlic and fish” has no adjectives in it, but is detailed and descriptive – it is also more interesting than “He had smelly breath” is.
In the meantime, what is your topic/subject? Is it something you find interesting, or is it something you just picked arbitrarily, to speed things along? If it’s the latter, reconsider. Before you ever start writing your essay, the first thing you should do – and this goes for all writing – is to pick something that interests you. A bored writer produces terrible writing. (I’m assuming here that you have some control over your topic.) Your subject need not be a simple inanimate object, by the way. It could just as easily be a setting, or a piece of music, or a sensation.
The second thing you should do is brainstorm – list every detail, action, or attribute of the thing in question that comes to your mind, and give yourself some time. I recommend at least a half an hour. Hit all five senses (how’s it smell? feel?), and even your emotional or visceral reactions to it if you have them. (Does looking at it make you want to reach for a prayer book or a vomit bag?)
Then try to describe your thing, making use of details and specific word choices (like those listed above) to bring it to life. One last hint: Try to describe your thing in action – have it DO something. Describing a baseball player swinging wildly at a fastball is more interesting than describing him sitting on a bench.
What Is An Argumentative Essay?
The argumentative essay is a genre of writing that requires the student to investigate a topic, collect, generate, and evaluate evidence, and establish a position on the topic in a concise manner.
Argumentative essay assignments generally call for extensive research of literature or previously published material.
The structure of the argumentative essay is held together by the following:
A clear, concise, and defined thesis statement that occurs in the first paragraph of the essay;
Clear and logical transitions between the introduction, body, and conclusion;
Body paragraphs that include evidential support;
Evidential support (whether factual, logical, statistical, or anecdotal);
A conclusion that does not simply restate the thesis, but readdresses it in light of the evidence provided.
What happens if you exceed 300 words on a college essay?
Was the essay assignment for a minimum of 300 words or a maximum of 300 words? If the essay assignment was for a minimum of 300 words you’ve done well.
If the essay assignment was for 300 words period, I would count, recount and be sure it is 300 words.
If the essay assignment was for a maximum of 300 words you may be graded down for being too wordy and unable to express yourself concisely.
How many words should a short answer, long answer and essay be for general university assignments?
Ask your lecturer, it varies considerably. As a guide, short answer it’s one word to 2 sentences Long answer – one paragraph to 2 pages. Essay – 2 pages to 10 pages, perhaps more.
How to edit and order all the essays (a personal essay, persuasive essay, literary analysis) you wrote in semester?
First of all, you should grade yours essays and divide it on strong and weakest. We recommend you to put the strongest essay one first. For example, it could be the persuasive essay. Second, I’d put the personal essay because its a good quality piece and it’s easier and more natural for anyone to write a paper on their own experiences. Third, if your literary analysis is the weakest – put it last. While portfolios are usually meant to show your improvement over the course of the semester and/or your well-rotundness and versatility as a writer, I just think it would be better to start with your strongest. As much as professors should be considering each piece separately as well as your portfolio as a whole, starting with your weakest could possibly make them view the others in a less than positive light than they otherwise would.
What are the Differences between writing an essay for a test and writing an essay for class assignment?
When writing an essay for a test, you don’t have to worry as much about grammar, spelling, neatness, etc. A test essay just needs to contain the main ideas that the instructor is looking for. An essay for a class assignment must be grammatically correct, must flow well, contain all of the releveant information and needs to have a good introduction, body and summation.
Why do teachers dislike double-sided papers, or essays when they print their assignments double-sided too?
When faced with 200+ essays, teachers needs the format of each paper to be the same (MLA). If it’s not the same, it disrupts the flow of grading, taking valuable time that they simply doesn’t have. When every paper is in the same format, teachers can easily flip from page to page, looking back at previous pages for similar errors; often they need to jump back to a point in the paper so that can refocus on the topic sentence or the thesis statement. For these reasons, teachers prefer a typed essay on one side only (stapled once in the upper left corner).